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Falling for Uniquely Colored Hair

September 30 2020
Falling for Uniquely Colored Hair

Awww, Fall! The time when the trees remind us that letting things go is natural to growth. But sometimes we need some funky, unnatural color in our lives to spruce up the season.

Pink, blue and especially purple hair is making its way into our lives lately. And it’s not just for the overly daring personalities anymore either. Many women (and men) are opting for a streak of color underneath their hair or in their bangs. It’s a fun, flirty pop of excitement.

What’s not so fun? Having those amazingly brilliant colors wash out in just a few days. Also keep in mind that if you have dark hair, you’ll need to bleach the section getting the color, so you might not want that to show too soon, either. Although going bold with your color is definitely a commitment, and you’ll most likely need to have it recolored more often than a typical “natural” color, here are some tips to keep that color kickin’ a bit longer:

  • Wash with cool water. Using overly hot water dries out your skin anyway, so this is a 2-fold benefit.
  • Only wash your hair every other day or just a few times per week. We’ve mentioned before that this is good for your hair, so you’ll again be doubling up on the goodness.
  • Fight the urge to sit in the sun! The UV rays can fade those colors within hours. So, wear a hat and find a good UV Protectant spray.
  • Try to use your hairdryer, straightener and other tools sparingly. Heat fades!
  • Skip the chemicals like chlorine and if you have to swim, you’ll want to don a cap.
  • Find shampoo and conditioning products that don’t include sulfates.
  • Talk to your stylist about what products he or she recommends using to keep the vibrancy alive in your new fall color!

We look forward to seeing what unique looks you’ll be doing this year to update that fall hair!