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Kiss Your Mascara Goodbye!

October 31 2023
Kiss Your Mascara Goodbye!

Are you ready to love your lashes without the need for mascara? Your make-up routine can get a little easier with a simple and long-lasting Lash Lift and Tint. It's an excellent way to lift and curl your lashes and to darken them without the daily maintenance of curling them yourself, using a lot of mascara or applying false lashes... And then having to remove it all at the end of the night. Plus, no worry about the dreaded dark streaks and smudges at the end of the day from your mascara.

So, what exactly is a Lash Lift?

It's a procedure that uses the same type of products that a hair sytlist would use in a perm. These products are used to curl your lashes from the base as it lifts them up to make them look longer, fuller and more luscious. Tint can be added to darken your lashes, and the result usually lasts about 6 to 8 weeks, with proper care.

There will be a few small steps you can take after the procedure, like keeping your lashes dry, even including steam, so that they will look amazing for a while. After 48 hours, your lashes should be set and ready for your normal make-up application. You can still swim, sweat, wash your face and do all the things you'd normally do, just with a little extra care (like no tugging or rubbing your lashes aggressively).

Call us today to schedule your Lash Lift or talk to us at your next appointment to discuss your questions!


