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We Can't Wait to See You!

May 1 2020
We Can't Wait to See You!

We are delighted to be able to see all of our clients soon! The waiting has been difficult. But as joyful as we are, we also want to reassure all of you that while we will be opening and accepting clients in person, we will be taking the utmost care to ensure the health and safety of all of us and all of you.

Here are the plans for when we reopen:

· Social Distancing – We will be scheduling our service providers so that we can socially distance between each station as well as reducing the volume of people in the building at the same time.

· Masks – All of our staff will be required to wear masks and we require that you wear a mask to your appointment that secures behind the ears.

· No Blow-drying – Temporarily, we will not be doing any blow-drying in the salon in order to prevent forceful airflow of any germs. Please come with your hair clean (shampooed within 3 hours of the appointment time), dry and pulled away from your face. We would like to limit shampoos for the removal of hair color only. We thank you for being understanding during the time of adjustment.

· Air Hugs Only – We will not be shaking hands or hugging at this time.

· Capes and SmocksPlease come in clean clothing so as not to transfer any germs. We will cover you appropriately for cuts and colors.

· No Beverages – We will not be offering any beverages at this time.

· Guests and AccessoriesPlease limit the items you bring with you to the salon to a phone and form of payment, leaving your handbag, coats, etc, in the car. Please do not bring children or pets with you and arrive right at the start of your appointment to avoid waiting closely with others.

Please take all health concerns seriously. If you have an underlying health concern, we ask that you wait longer before rescheduling your appointment. If you are feeling ill, have been exposed to someone who is ill or are caring for someone who is ill, please do not come to your appointment, but reschedule for at least 14 days from the exposure.
We ask for your understanding and patience through this new process. We are working to get all missed appointments rescheduled and look forward to being able to serve you soon. If you have any concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.